Evaluation of the instructions Spring 2020

  • Didn’t attend this section

  • His recorded sessions were helpful as an additional resource when my own lab section did not make sense.

  • I enjoy Yuhai Li as a TA

  • Not my TA

  • Really good at explaining the concepts behind the homework/assignments and helps you grasp them. expects you to participate by answering the question he proposes during labs/discussion Slides were very informative.

  • The TA is amazing at breaking down the the requirements and parts of the assignments. I understand all of the parameters in my functions and how I should go about with the assignment. Towards the final project, however, I felt that the explanation was too vague for students to fully understand what was needed.

  • The TA was super helpful in explaining and applying concepts talked about in class and their sections made the course easier to understand.

  • This TA did a good job at presenting the material of this course. I felt like I didn’t understand the material upon first hearing it during discussion, but then I would watch the replay videos after the fact and would understand it over time. I wish this TA would improve upon their lecturing skills, as it would sometimes not be as professional as I would like it to be (repeating phrases, stumbling on their words, normal but fixable mistakes such as these). Overall, I felt like this class was helping me learn, and that’s what ultimately matters.

  • This TA was great at responding to emails to help me understand the homework better. He made taking MATLAB as a first-time coder more bearable

  • This was not my assigned TA for the quarter but I went to his office hours so many times that I felt compelled to write a review for him. He was very kind and always managed to figure out what was wrong with my code. He was welcoming and his labs/‘handouts’ were very helpful to my understanding of the assigned projects. I was grateful for his contributions over the quarter and he was a large part of the reason I was successful this quarter. I appreciate his dedication to not only teaching us but encouraging us to learn and think during class.

  • He would pause for long periods of time and wait for responses in the chat, which I found very uncomfortable as 1 of 5 other students in class. I guess this made it more interactive, but he expected a lot from us. His overviews of the homeworks were incredibly helpful, and he seems like a great person.

  • I felt that TA used pseudo code to clearly explain coding assignments and concepts. He was also helpful during office hours and used lab time efficiently.

  • This TA did a good job at presenting the material of this course. I felt like I didn’t understand the material upon first hearing it during discussion, but then I would watch the replay videos after the fact and would understand it over time. I wish this TA would improve upon their lecturing skills, as it would sometimes not be as professional as I would like it to be (repeating phrases, stumbling on their words, normal but fixable mistakes such as these). Overall, I felt like this class was helping me learn, and that’s what ultimately matters.

  • This TA was very helpful this quarter. He thoroughly explained the homework assignments and tried to make sure that we actually understood the pseudocode we wrote in discussion. Without attending lab, I would be truly lost on how to do a lot of the assignments, and so I really thank the TA for all the help he’s given us! Thank you so much!

Yuhai Li
Ph.D. student of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

My research interests include data-driven material analysis and machine/deep learning for material science.
