Evaluation of the instructions Spring 2021

  • I liked how the discussions were also split into multiple videos. The discussions were asynchronous, and with the professor, and thus no interaction was with the TAs.
  • Li helped me on understanding concepts in this class very well. I always sent email to Li asking about certain parts that I was confused about and Li always replied to me and clarified them for me. Thank you Li!
  • Strength: support students in developing code Weakness: only 3 students attended each week
  • Very knowledgeable on the topic and discussions were extremely helpful!
  • discussions were effective.
  • He was clear in what he wanted, his presentations, through sometimes were a little confusing, were structured, and well thought out. I do not think that I could have done this well in this class if not for him.
  • He was knowledgeable and clear, and very helpful in all his discussions. I did not miss a single one, and I think he helped tremendously.
  • The Lab was so helpful for better understanding the assignments.
  • Very good at explaining the concepts and ideas behind the code. It was also very helpful that we started going over the project early on.
  • labs were effective.
Yuhai Li
Ph.D. student of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

My research interests include data-driven material analysis and machine/deep learning for material science.
